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Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever! Celebrate Mother's Day with nature-inspired handcrafted decor from Michael Aram, including items from the White Orchid Collection (pictured). Glassworks has plenty of gift ideas for mom. Stop in at the Shadyside store to see an array of items that mom will love!
Click here to shop for Michael Aram on this website.
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According to michael aram, "Orchids naturally emit a sense of sensuality and seductiveness, but in white nickel they take on a completely different meaning – an element of brightness that I associate with new beginnings. When I think of white orchids, I imagine the purity and sweetness of a newlywed couple at the beginning of their lifelong journey."
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Michael Aram White Orchid Collection At Glassworks! According to Michael Aram, "Orchids naturally emit a sense of sensuality and seductiveness, but in white nickel they take on a completely different meaning – an element of brightness that I associate with new beginnings. When I think of white orchids, I imagine the purity and sweetness of a newlywed couple at the beginning of their lifelong journey."
Don't forget Glassworks offers complete Bridal Registry Services!
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New Michael Aram pieces in the White Orchid line!
Michael Aram White Orchid Collection at Glassworks!
Celebrate Nature In All Its Forms.
Uncover the hand crafted beauty of Michael Aram.
The White Orchid Collection is just one of the many
Michael Aram collections available at Glassworks.